Ministry of Education

Physics Department


To build a foundation for excellence and encourage the development of the institution as a premier institution by igniting and promoting enthusiasm, interests and passion, in the study of physics, in professional courses, as a part of curriculum.


  • To awaken the young minds and discover their talents both in theory and in practical Physics, through dedication to teach, commitment towards students and innovative instructional methods like PPT & Visual Aids
  • To make vital contributions in areas such as faculty, modern labs, and demonstrate a high level of competence in the study of Engineering Physics.
NoNameRankDegreeE-mail & Ph-noPhoto
1.Dr Htun winProfessor & HeadPh.D
2.Dr Tin Lay LwinAssociate ProfessorPh.D
3.Dr Thu Zar AyeAssociate ProfessorPh.D
4.Dr Nant Aye Aye MyaAssociate ProfessorPh.D
5.Dr Sandar MinAssociate ProfessorPh.D
6.Daw Me Me Soe LinnLecturerM.Sc-
7.Dr Khin Myo Myo AyeLecturerPh.D
8.Dr Myint Myint WinLecturerPh.D
9.Daw Thu Zar TintLecturerM.Res
10.U Saw Hla MaungLecturerM.Sc
11.Dr Giri DaryiLecturerPh.D
12.Dr Kyaw Kyaw WaiLecturerPh.D
13.Dr Kalayar WinLecturerPh.D
14.Dr Tin Ma Ma KhaingLecturerPh.D
15.Dr Khin Pa Pa SanLecturerPh.D
16.Daw Aye Myint SeinLecturerM.Sc
17.Dr Phyo Ko Ko NyeinLecturerPh.D
18.U Tet ToeLecturerM.Res
19.Dr Myo Myat KyawLecturerPh.D
20.U Zaw Ye KyawLecturerM.Res
21.Dr San ShwinLecturerPh.D
22.U Phoe TheinLecturerM.Sc
23.Dr Yar Zar Win Myint AungLecturerPh.D
24.Dr Tint Tint OoLecturerPh.D
25.Dr Than Than HtayLecturerPh.D
26.Dr Than Kyi WinLecturerPh.D
27.Daw Aye Thidar PhyoLecturerM.Res
28.Daw Thiri Phone KyawAssistant LecturerM.Sc
29.Daw Han Ni HtunAssistant LecturerM.Res
30.Dr Taw TawAssistant LecturerPh.D
31.Daw Moet Moet HtayDemostratorM.Sc


1. Professor and Head 1
2. Professor 1
3. Associate Professor 4
4. Lecturer 16
5. Assistant Lecturer 6
6. Demonstrator 2
7. Lab Assistant 6



1. MSc Second Year 26
2. MSc First Year 55
3. Third Year Honours 79
4. Second Year Honours 101
5. First Year Honours 115
6. Fourth Year 306
7. Third Year 193
8. Second Year 358
9. First Year 343